hi-tech calibrations of all test equipment

High quality calibration service!

Manufactureres Models


0.0001 OHMResistance StandardReactive
0.001OHMResistance StandardReactive
0.05OHMStd Resister 
0.1 OHMStd Resistor 
0.10OHMStd Resistor 
0.2 OHMStd Resistor 
0.5 OHMStd Resistor 
006-ADecade Resistance BoxReactive
006-BDecade Resistance BoxReactive
006ADecade BoxAnalogue
1-10Standard Resistor 
10 OHMStd Resistor 
100Standard Resistor 
1000Standard Resistor 
1000 OHMStd Resistor 
10000 OHMStd Resistor 
10VElectronic Standard Cell 
1VElectronic Standard Cell 
4000Digital Milli-OhmmeterReactive
4002Digital Milli-OhmmeterReactive
42ANull DetectorReactive
7955Digital Thermometer.Temperature
CF6Wheatstone Bridge 
CSMK3Insulation Tester 
D01Digital OhmmeterReactive
D02Resistance MeterReactive
D03Digital OhmmeterReactive
D04Digital OhmmeterReactive
D04AResistance MeterElec. Test
D05Digital OhmmeterDC/LF Stds
D07Digital MicrohmmeterReactive
DCV1DC Voltage Reference StandardDC/LF Stds
DO2Digital OhmmeterReactive
DO3Digital OhmmeterReactive
DO4Digital OhmmeterReactive
DO4000Digital -OhmmeterReactive
DO4001Digital OhmmeterReactive
DO4ADigital OhmmeterReactive
DO5Digital OhmmeterReactive
DO5000Digital MicrohmmeterReactive
DO5001Digital MicrohmmeterReactive
DO7Digital OhmmeterReactive
DO7010Digital Micro-OhmmeterReactive
DP6Thermocouple CalibratorTemperature
HTS1Standard Resistor Set 
KB1Kelvin Bridge 
KB3Kelvin BridgeReactive
KB5Kelvin BridgeReactive
mA/mV DC CalibratorReactive
MTS 1AMilliohmeterReactive
MTS1Milliohmmeter Test StandardsReactive
MTS2Millohmmeter Test StandardsReactive
ND4DC Null DetectorDC/LF Stds
P3SPotentiometer Supply 
P4EThermocouple PotentiometerDC/LF Stds
P6Thermocouple PotentiometerDC/LF Stds
PO5000MicrohmeterElec. Test
PT100 S/IPT100 Simulator 
PT100S/2PT100 SimulatorTemperature
PW2Wheatstone Bridge 
PW4Wheatstone BridgeReactive
PW42Wheatstone Bridge 
RDecade Resistance BoxReactive
RB3Decade Resistance Box 
RB4Decade Resistance Box 
RB4ADecade Resistance Box 
RB5Decade Resistance BoxReactive
RB5ADecade Resistance Box 
RB6Decade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB1Decade Resistance Box 
RBB4Decade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB4ADecade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB4GDecade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB5Decade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB5BDecade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB5CDecade Resistor 
RBB6Decade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB6ADecade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB6BDecade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB6CDecade Resistance BoxReactive
RBB6DDecade resistance boxReactive
RBB6EDecade resistance boxReactive
RBC5AHigh Dissipation Resistance BoxReactive
RBG3Voltage Divider 
RBG4Voltage DividerReactive
RBG5Voltage Divider 
RBG6Voltage Divider 
RH9Megohm Decade BoxReactive
RJEThermocouple Reference UnitTemperature
RJJThermocouple Reference JunctionTemperature
RJNThermocouple Reference JunctionTemperature
RJN/MThermocouple Reference JunctionTemperature
RJRSThermocouple Reference UnitTemperature
RJTKThermocouple Reference UnitTemperature
RJTK/MAutomatic Reference JunctionTemperature
RM6Resistance BoxReactive
RM6-N2Decade Resistance BoxReactive
RM64Resistance Box 
RM8Resistance BoxReactive
RS11k Ohm Standard ResistorReactive
RS1 1 OhmStandard ResistorDC/LF Stds
RS20.01OHM Standard ResistorReactive
RS20.05 Ohm Standard ResistorReactive
RS20.1 Ohm Standard ResistorDC/LF Stds
RS3250 ohm resistorReactive
RS3250 Ohm Standard ResistorReactive
RS3 0.0001ohmStandard ResistorReactive
S14Standard Resistor 
S15Standard Resistor 
S16Standard Resistor 
S17Standard Resistor 
S18Standard Resistor 
S19Standard Resistor 
S20Standard Resistor 
S61Standard Resistor 
SC1Standard CellDC/LF Stds
VR1Voltage Ratio Box 
VR2Voltage Ratio Box 
WS3EPrecision Bridge 

TER provides a fast and reliable calibration and repair service for CROPICO offering collection and delivery to 95% of the UK.

We already have customers in or around BEDFORD, Bedfordshire