hi-tech calibrations of all test equipment

High quality calibration service!

Manufactureres Models


APM612Analogue P 
DFM1615Digital Frequency MeterFrequency
DPM609Digital Phase MeterAnaly/Gener
ESG2Signal Generator 
EW1604WattmeterElec. Test
EW604Electronic WattmeterReactive
FG600Function Generator 
FG601Function GeneratorAnaly/Gener
FM610Frequency MeterFrequency
LAN521Display OscilloscopeScope
PFG605Function GeneratorAnaly/Gener
PMG390Phase Measuring Generator 
SC40Frequency Counter 
SFG606Sweep/Function GeneratorAnaly/Gener
SFG611Sweep/Function GeneratorAnaly/Gener
SS0603Sine Square OscillatorAnaly/Gener
SSO603Function Generator 
TWG300Signal Generator 
TWG500Signal Generator 
TWG501Signal Generator 
TWG504Signal Generator 
TWG800Signal Generator 
VP0602Variable Phase Generator 
VPG608Variable Phase GeneratorAnaly/Gener
VPO230Variable Phase Oscillator 
VPO602Variable Phase OscillatorFrequency

TER provides a fast and reliable calibration and repair service for FEEDBACK offering collection and delivery to 95% of the UK.

We already have customers in or around DROMORE, County Down