hi-tech calibrations of all test equipment

High quality calibration service!

Manufactureres Models


-1000 TO 0 MBARPressure GaugePressure
101Signal GeneratorAnaly/Gener
101-03Signal GeneratorAnaly/Gener
110FM Carrier UnitComms
201Dual Canne 
619 060 3Crimp ToolSubcontract
AFM3Modulation Meter 
RE101Signal Generator 
RE104Signal Generator 
RE201Audio Analyser 
RE501Stereo Generator 
RE511ARI Coder 
REOLINE ACTest SetGen Electron
SMG-40Stereo Generator 
SMG40Stereo GeneratorAnaly/Gener

ALDERSHOT RE Calibration
collected and delivered to and from
ALDERSHOT :- Wednesday.
TER provides a fast and reliable calibration and repair service for this equipment to 95% of the UK.

We collect and deliver to customers in and around ALDERSHOT, Hampshire