hi-tech calibrations of all test equipment

High quality calibration service!

Manufactureres Models


0.00125MMPin Gauge Set 
0.01-0.90Pin Gauge SetSubcontract
0.010 TO 0.059Pin Gauges 
0.09 10MMPin Gauge 
0.09 50MMPin Gauge 
0.125-0.1305"Go No Go GaugeMechanical
0.1250/0.1305Reversible Pin Gauge SetMechanical
0.15 TO 3.25Pin Gauges 
0.200MMPin Gauge 
0.240MMPin Gauge 
0.245MMPin Gauges 
0.2700MMPin gauge 
0.30-5.95Pin Gauge Set 
0.300MPin Gauge 
0.300MMPin Gauge 
0.30MM-5.90MMPin Gauge SetSubcontract
0.50-0.99MMPin Gauge SetSubcontract
0.70MM-1.40MMPin Gauge SetSubcontract
0.780MMPin Gauge 
0.800Pin GaugeSubcontract
0.820MMPin Gauge 
0.840MMPin Gauge 
0.880MMPin Gauge 
1.000Pin GaugeSubcontract
1.27MMPin Gauge 
1.300Pin GaugeSubcontract
1.58-1.73 mmGo No Go GaugeMechanical
1.83-2.00 mmGo No Go GaugeMechanical
1/2"X12Go No Go Gauge 
1/4"X20Go No Go Gauge 
10MMPin Gauge 
12.00X2.25INCPin Gauge 
12MMPin Gauge 
13-19MMGo/Nogo Gauge 
14.00X2.25INCPin Gauge 
14MMPin Gauge 
17.500Pin GaugeSubcontract
2.33-2.39 mmGo No Go GaugeMechanical
2.500Pin GaugeSubcontract
2.65-2.85 mmGo No Go GaugeMechanical
25.032MMPin Gauge 
3.48-3.54 mmGo No Go GaugeMechanical
35MM TO 100MMSet of 4 Setting DiscsSubcontract
4.000Pin GaugeSubcontract
5 Piece SetReversible Pin Gauge SetMechanical
6.00MM-12.50MMPin Gauge setSubcontract
6MMPin Gauge 
8MMPin Gauge 
E8Slip Gauge SetMechanical
GO-NO-GO SET3 Piece Go No Go Gauge SetSubcontract
L-084Pin Gauges (4) 
M10 X 1.5-6HGo NoGo Thread Plug Gauge 
M112Gauge Block SetMechanical
M48 X 5.0-6HGo NoGo Thread Plug GaugeSubcontract
PIN GAUGES0.778-0.820mm 

collected and delivered to and from
SOUTH CROYDON :- Wednesday, Wednesday.
TER provides a fast and reliable calibration and repair service for this equipment to 95% of the UK.

We collect and deliver to customers in and around SOUTH CROYDON, Surrey